Persicaria perfoliata

Mile-a-minute Weed, Asiatic Tearthumb

[not native to the Mid-Atlantic area]

[ click on any image below to see larger version ]

Family: Polygonaceae (Knotweed - Milkwort family)

Mid-Atlantic bloom time: June - October

Mile-a-minute Weed is a highly invasive viney plant that can quickly take over an area. Its stems and leaf petioles have reflexed prickles, aptly giving it the common name "tearthumb". The distinctve leaves off the main stems are triangular.

6 September 2019
Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve, Haymarket, VA
6 September 2019
Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve, Haymarket, VA
6 September 2019
Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve, Haymarket, VA

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