Osmorhiza claytonii

Sweet Cicely

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Family: Apiaceae

Mid-Atlantic bloom time: April - May
Mid-Atlantic fruit ripe: May - June

Sweet Cicely appears very similar to Aniseroot (Osmorhiza longistylis), often appearing in the same habitat at the same time. It can be distinguished when flowering by looking at the flower's 2 styles, which are shorter than the petals in Sweet Cicely and longer than the petals in Aniseroot. When crushed, Sweet Cicely's leaves and roots smell only faintly of anise (Aniseroot smells strongly). Its seeds have small barbs on their end that stick to clothing or fur, allowing for mechanical seed dispersal.

15 April 2016
Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, VA
15 April 2016
Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, VA

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