Diodia virginiana

Virginia Buttonweed

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Family: Rubiaceae

Mid-Atlantic bloom time: June - December

With its small (~1 cm) flowers, the Virginia Buttonweed is easy to miss in its moist environments, but well worth the find. It is very similar to the Common Buttonweed (Diodia teres), which is more likely to be found in dry habitats. The distinguishing characteristic of Virginia Buttonweed are its style is split or cleft in two, and the stipules at the base of its leaves are not hairy.

20 July 2014
Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Woodbridge, VA
20 July 2014
Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Woodbridge, VA
20 July 2014
Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Woodbridge, VA
20 July 2014
Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Woodbridge, VA

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