Cuscuta gronovii

Common Dodder

[ click on any image below to see larger version ]

Family: Convolvulaceae

Mid-Atlantic bloom time: August - October

Common Dodder is a twining plant that, once attached to its host plant, is entirely parasitic. Its stems are yellow-orange, and its flowers are white-green.

13 July 2015
Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, VA
(on Lizard's-tail - Saururus cernuus)
13 July 2015
(on Lizard's-tail - Saururus cernuus)
Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, VA
17 August 2015
Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, VA
24 August 2019
Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, VA
24 August 2019
Huntley Meadows Park, Alexandria, VA

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