Aplectrum hyemale


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Family: Orchidaceae

Mid-Atlantic bloom time: late May

Mid-Atlantic fruit ripe: June - July

Each plant has only one leaf, which dies off before the foot-high flower stalk emerges and blooms in late spring. The dried stalk and seed remnants often remain throughout the winter when the leaf is present.

26 October 2012
Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve, Haymarket, VA
22 March 2015
Scott's Run Nature Area, McLean, VA
20 May 2013
Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve, Haymarket, VA
20 May 2013
Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve, Haymarket, VA
20 May 2013
Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve, Haymarket, VA
8 December 2012
Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve, Haymarket, VA

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