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Family: Dryopteridaceae
Mid-Atlantic bloom time: June - September
Common throughout in shaded locations, Christmas Fern is evergreen (hence its common name). The fronds are once-divided and semi-erect until the first frost, after which they lie flat on the ground. The pinnae (leaflets) are lance shaped with a basal lobe on their upper side (supposedly looking like a Christmas stocking); the edges of each pinna are serrated with bristles at their tip. Silvery fiddleheads emerge in early spring. On fertile fronds, the length of the pinnae are shorter starting about 1/2 to 2/3 up the blade.
Christmas Fern is in the Holly Fern genus. The genus name is from the Greek polys, meaning many, and stichos, meaning rows; this refers to the rows of reproductive sori on the underside of the pinnae.